Top 5 Tips for Working on a Show during a Pandemic (with TV director Victor Nelli Jr.)

1. Be early!!! Especially if you are being tested. It’s always slow and there can be lines with other cast members and crew.

2. Ask questions!!! Find out who the covid officer is. You need to feel safe, it’s the only way to give a good performance. It you don’t feel safe, talked to the AD, COVID officer, Producer/Director. Every show is different. If you see something say something. 

3. If you are feeling sick “STAY HOME” . Constantly wash or disinfect your hands at all times. 

4. Always wear your mask, even in-between takes or at least have a shield to not screw up make-up. Have a mask in your pocket.

5. With all that, “HAVE FUN” it’s still playing and make believe. We are lucky to be doing this, so enjoy. 

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